NDW2024 Digital Exhibitors Gallery

The 2024 digital exhibitors at Nairobi Design Week


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Embark on a virtual journey through the vibrant creations of our 2024 digital exhibitors at Nairobi Design Week! Check out their work and follow the creative minds behind them.

Ama Waithira Series titled “The Kandake of Kush" animated with stopmotion boxes

Nelson Kioko 3D designs made using blender 3.9 software to create vividly colorful scenes

Michelle Kanyeki Project titled Delicate Light. The photos leave a feeling of the solemn confusion one goes through when lost in the darkness

Paul Gichia Daily hustle and bustle of the city he captures the expansive beauty in it.

Samora Katumanga 3D Art depicting Creative Control; finding your freedom through taking ownership

Mony Maringa Mindscapes: Capturing the Essence of Emotion through Face, Eyes, and Hands.

Charbel Houinato "Resilience through motion" - A 3d animation comp of a figure dancing capoeira

Nicole Ashlock her works embody's the divine feminine's strength, grace, and wisdom.

Jesse Itemere The work submitted taps into the spirit of collectivism in a bold way

The Ken Lab this is I-volve, a play on the word evolve. To signify self-evolution.

Wanjiru Munyiri Titled "Follies of Youth" her works depict uncertainty, anxiety and general frustration

Yuchuan Yu Cookoo: a system that marries the art of cooking with the sophistication of Artificial Intelligence

Derek Mayoli Photomanipulation that brings out 7 different feelings from one theme “Imposter Syndrome ”